Update to Basic Health Plan Provider Notice

The Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) has updated its Basic Health Program (BHP) provider notice to adjust the effective date to January 1, 2024. Read the full notice here.

What is a BHP? A BHP is a bridge between the Medicaid Program and coverage through a qualified health plan on the State Based Exchange or other commercial health insurance. It will provide more affordable options that include no deductibles and lower premiums and cost sharing amounts. A BHP also has continuous enrollment for individuals to apply at any time during the year. Find more information at https://www.medicaid.gov/basic-health-program/index.html.

Who is it for? Adults under the age of 65 with incomes between 138% to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible for the BHP.

What does it cover? The benefits are the same as the state’s Essential Health Benefit Benchmark Plan which may be found at https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Data-Resources/ehb. Vision and dental benefits are included for individuals up to age 21. Vision and dental plans may be offered at an additional expense for adults age 21 or older.

When will this happen? Subject to CMS approval, DMS plans to launch the BHP in November 2023 for coverage with an effective date of January 1, 2024. 

How does this affect providers? Providers should enter into contracts with BHP issuers to be part of their network similar to Medicaid or the State Based Exchange. 

What’s next? DMS will be seeking public input to develop Kentucky’s Blueprint, which is the form the state must submit for CMS approval. Keep an eye out for public comment notices as well as other communications from DMS about the BHP. Issuers interested in offering a BHP plan will be reaching out to providers to create a network. 

Questions? If you have questions, please send those to BHP.Questions@ky.gov!

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