Welcome to KYLoop

An online community for community professionals around Kentucky to connect and find resources throughout the Commonwealth. You can ask questions, find answers, and share your experiences helping consumers enroll in health coverage and other public benefits using the kynect platform. 

Why Join KYLoop?

In the KYLoop, community professionals can help each other by sharing best practices, successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Get started by updating your profile or see what’s new below. Make sure to review our norms of behavior too. Then join in by posting documents, events, asking questions and sharing stories. 

KYLoop is designed to quickly connect boots-on-the-ground workers with resources and knowledge from subject-matter experts of our very own. KYLoop is here to build an easily searchable database of outreach and community resources, technical assistance best practices, and connect you to a community of other assisters across Kentucky. Here you can access information on healthcare, food, housing, childcare, and much more all in one central database.


Are You A Community Professional?

Have you ever felt lost while trying to help someone apply for benefits?

Have you ever felt confused while trying to help someone enroll in a safety-net program like Medicaid, Marketplace coverage, or SNAP?

KY Loop is here to help you get the answers you need to serve your community and do your job better. Learn from and connect with your colleagues and neighbors on best practices and resources for helping your clients.

Check out our community standards and get in the loop!

KYLoop is for Kentuckians who help Kentuckians connect and enroll in public benefits and health coverage. This is a space for assisters and outreach folks to ask questions, share knowledge, report issues, and connect with each other, while also gaining access to a centralized hub of resources and a forum with identified super users answering questions from fellow Kentuckians.